Tuesday, December 14, 2010



Sharing the Good News in today's world includes caring, sharing, & giving the gifts of hope & peace when we talk & listen to folks & build relationships in daily life. God has opened the door for every Christian to reach out & share their faith stories. Everyone who has been baptized is a walking talking role model. Each of us has a lot of control of how that plays out in real life!

As we walk on our faith journeys together, what can we do to enable ourselves to walk & talk a more Christ-centered life in a noisy culture where Christian messages could make huge differences, if our voices were heard & listeners could be encouraged, empowered, equipped to act in positive ways.

Taking positive action in today's world to make differences can be rather overwhelming - even with the Bible as a guide & Christ-centered believers around us. Then The Holy Spirit seems to lead us on "Faith Adventures" that provide hope. Adventures come in lots of forms. This time I discovered books that provided "AH HA" moments. Lots of things made sense recently when I read Biblical Equipping: God's Word in Your World. Then I read the book Me, an Evangelist? The clues & cues of "Evangelism" have come slowly while I've been serving on the NW Indiana Conference Outreach Team. It was a real joy to receive several insights reinforced by examples & ideas. Insights from the book Me, an Evangelist? provided a reality checklist of "What We Can Do" & "What only God Can Do" (pages 45-46).. .Now I say the Serenity Prayer with more wisdom!

What Only God Can Do

As evangelists, it is important for us to remember the distinction between what only God can do and what we are able to do. Only God can:

• convince people of their sin and their need for a Savior (John 16:8-9);  give people faith (John 1:12-13; Eph. 2:8-9);

• defeat death and give eternal life (John 10:27-29; John 11:25; 1 Cor. 15:51-57);

• forgive sin and free people from guilt (Ps. 51:7; Isa. 1:18; Ps. 130:7; Ps. 32:5; 1 John 1:9);

• bring people to conversion and repentance (John 16:7-11; John 14:6; Acts 11:17-18; 2 Tim. 2:25);

• give people real peace (Ps. 4:8; Isa. 9:6, 26:3; John 14:27, 16:33; Rom. 5:1-2; Phil. 4:6-7); and

• give people lasting hope (Rom. 15:13; 2 Thess. 2:16-17; 1 Pet. 1:3).

As evangelists, we can:

• listen with accepting love; • build a trusting, caring relationship;

• model Christ's love by helping others who are sad, lonely, depressed, or who have other needs;

• try to understand the feelings, needs, beliefs, ideas, and hopes of others;

• pray for others;

• witness assertively when others seem open to hearing; and

• invite others to attend church or to begin a relationship with Jesus when they are ready for such an invitation.

Realizing this can be very freeing. God doesn't hold us responsible for the results of our witness! It is our job to care, to witness, and to live the love of Christ for others as much as we can. It is God's job, not ours, to bring these people into a relationship with Jesus. What a relief to leave this responsibility in God's hands!

Another awesome book is:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Triune Hypothesis by H.E. Eickleberry, Jr.

One of our members has a NEW Book published!

If you browse Amazon.com this Christmas season, you may come across one of our own members here at CLCValpo and his new book:

The Triune Hypothesis by

H.E. Eickleberry, Jr.

"The Triune Hypothesis" is a guide to reading the Bible prophetically in all three dimensions of interpretation-the horizontal axis in time (what was, is, and/or is to come), the perpendicular axis in application (literal, figurative, and/or spiritual), and the vertical axis in context (thesis, generality, and/or antithesis).”

The book is also available to download in Kindle Version as well.

It’s nice to see another local Valparaiso, IN author’s book make the Amazon list!

You can visit The Triune Hypothesis Website


The Triune Hypothesis Facebook Page for more info.

Congrats & Blessings to Mr. Eickleberry this Holiday Season!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Prayers For Svitlana Mayboroda and her Missionary Ministry work in Russia!

At our Tuesday Evening Ladies Bible Study @CLCValpo we had a special guest visitor.

Svitlana Mayboroda is a Christian Missionary who visits state orphanages in Khabarovsk, Russia bringing children the word of God and Bibles (Bibles For Russia).
In winter, she travels from Khabarovsk to remote parts of Siberia on frozen river beds to deliver the word of God!

It was fitting that she came and shared her ministry (including many photos)with us the week we studied Yahweh Tsuri - The LORD is My Rock.

Sveta's work is challenging, needing a firm foundation of faith and prayer that only God can provide...and he does!

We were blessed by her story and thankful for people like her who devote their lives to spreading God's word to children who have no homes.

Please keep Sveta and her missionary work in your prayers.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mary of Nazareth–A Musical Dramatization by Keri Burman Yadah Praise Productions @ CLCValpo- Public Welcome!

Mary of Nazareth – A Musical Dramatization by Keri Burman of
Yadah Praise Productions @

Christ Lutheran Church in Valparaiso, IN 46385 on Tuesday, 12/7/10 @ 7pm – Public Welcome!

If you attended the presentations of Queen Esther, or Mary Magdalene, then mark your calendars, because you won’t want to miss Keri Burman of Yadah Praise Productions perform a Musical Dramatization of Mary of Nazareth!

Through songs and monologues,
one woman tells the story of the birth and death of the Savior of the World.



"Sing We Now of Christmas"
"Mary, Sweet Mary"
"Breath of Heaven"
"My Son or My Savior"
"Bethlehem Morning"

Come join us on Tuesday Evening, December 7th at 7:00 pm for this 45 minute presentation in the sanctuary followed by refreshments (Homemade Christmas Cookies) in our gathering space!

There is no charge to attend - (free will offerings for Keri Burman are appreciated).
We just ask you RSVP in advance by Sunday 12/5/10.
To RSVP please call Paula Starek at Christ Lutheran Church. tel # 219-462-6660 or
or email - >

Come Join Us...All are welcome here!

Christ Lutheran Church is located @ 2610 North Campbell St. in Valparaiso, IN 46385

Follow us @ CLCValpo on Twitter, Facebook, You-Tube or our Website or BLOG

Sunday, October 24, 2010

CLC Valpo Sunday School Stewardship Focus = Operation Christmas Child - Won't You Join Us & Give This Christmas Away !

The next Sunday School Stewardship Focus at Christ Lutheran Church in Valparaiso, IN is to collect small items (toys, hygiene items, hard candy, small books) to be packed in shoe boxes and shipped overseas as a part of Operation Christmas Child which is a global ministry project of Samaritan's Purse.

Additionally, we are collecting donations to cover the shipping of each gift wrapped shoe box as well.

To learn more about this wonderful ministry, please watch the video below and consider joining the CLCValpo Sunday School Children and their families in collecting items for the shoe boxes through November 22nd, 2010 or consider a donation for shipping costs. Give This Christmas Away!

God Bless You!


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Visit Our Website

Read Our latest BLOG posts

Become a Fan of Our Facebook Page

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Check out Our You Tube Channel for Videos

Monday, October 4, 2010

Prayer Vigil - Public Welcome - Christ Lutheran Church - Valparaiso, IN on Tuesday, October 19th, 2010 from 9am to 9pm

Prayer Vigil - “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010 - 9am to 9pm

Take time out of your day to come sit in the new sanctuary at Christ Lutheran Church 2610 N. Campbell St. in Valparaiso, IN for a few minutes or even an hour and lift up your prayers for family, friends, neighbors, our congregation, nation and world.

Invite a friend or two to come with you if you like, this event is open to the public.

"For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst" Matthew 18:20

Drop in whenever you can!

There will be Music Interludes every hour by talented congregational members either playing musical instruments or singing.

Each half hour on the Hour, there will be Readings from the Scripture by CLC members who have chosen to share passages that inspire them to pray.

The rest of the time will be for silent reflection, Bibles will be provided, to read and reflect on God's word.

The Sunday School children are making prayer beads to give out as gifts to those attending.

A Host Table will be set up with volunteer Greeters - and a special keepsake scrapbook made by a talented member for guests to sign in will be located here.

We will have plenty of Prayer Request Forms that guests can fill in and leave with us - for their prayer requests to be lifted up at Future Sunday Services.

Also, There will be a collection of prayers written by congregation members that will be sealed and buried in a Time Capsule in our planned PRAYER WALK which connects our corner parcel of Church land to the existing Community Walking Paths!

If you can join us in person, or even take time to pray with us from a remote location that day, we would welcome it!

For those unable to attend, but who wish to submit a prayer request in advance please feel free to email CLCValpo@frontier.com with "Prayer Request" as the topic in your email.

The Little Lamb preschool children will be singing a song and praying at 10:15 am and 1:15 pm.

Colossions 4:2
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

Feel free to visit us on the web at the following sites: