Monday, November 21, 2011

Praying Without Ceasing ?

Pastor Hawkin’s sermon yesterday got me started thinking about praying without ceasing (the text was in Ephesians 1:16).

He talked especially about those moments in the day when my thoughts are my own, especially wait times—doctor’s offices, grocery lines, trains… for me, that might include time in front of the copier at school (I’m a teacher).

Which got me thinking about where and why I pray.

I guess I’ve known for a long time that there are parts of my life where I’m less likely to present moments to God in prayer—and I think the school setting is one of them.
It’s not that I don’t consider myself a Christian at school, just that it doesn’t occur to me as often to pray before a staff meeting, or about a student’s difficulty with reading, or as I’m planning lessons for the next week. I tend to think of those as areas I’m supposed to be handling—I am a professional, after all!

But I’m thinking that for me, praying without ceasing may mean developing a greater awareness of God at my elbow (and in my head and heart) in every moment.
It would mean losing the sense of going into any task or setting on my own powers, and instead knowing I’m always part of a team (and I’m NOT the coach!).
Naturally, as a team begins a task they discuss it.
The more often I’m mindful of God’s presence—God, in all His power, goodness, love, and wisdom—the more often I’ll be running things by Him, thanking Him, and especially listening to Him!

So I’d like to grow in this, and I’d like to hear back from anyone who might be working on the same thing.
Are there any corners of your life that you’ve recently invited God into? Times in your day when you’ve newly realized God’s there with you, too?

Am I the only one who’s so full of herself that she forgets God is always there, in every moment?!


Lisa Owen

Friday, November 11, 2011

Christ Lutheran Church in Valparaiso, Indiana Welcomes New Interim Associate Pastor!

I’m Pastor Erica Gibson-Even and I’m so very glad to be joining the Christ Lutheran Church family as Interim Associate Pastor this month.
My family and I have been thrilled to find ourselves in such a welcoming community. An area of special focus for me at CLC will be Faith Formation.
Christ Lutheran is richly blessed with ways to support growth in faith – from birth, childhood, throughout life - I am excited to see what the Spirit has in store as we continue to deepen our emphases on family ministry and our growth in discipleship as a community of faith.

Pastor Erica

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